In CHIJ OLQP, we aim to make the learning of mathematics come A.L.I.V.E as we build a strong foundation in the subject.
We cultivate the joy of learning mathematics and foster interest in the subject through hands-on activities, games and puzzles.
Link to Life
We provide meaningful opportunities for our students to acquire mathematical concepts and skills for everyday use by linking what they have learnt to life.
Inventive Thinking
We develop our students into confident problem-solvers with thinking, reasoning, communication and metacognitive skills.
We inculcate important virtues, like cooperation, enthusiasm and perseverance through collaborative work.
We strive towards mastery of the subject through:
performance tasks
investigative work
math trails
Our programmes provide a holistic learning experience where our students apply mathematical concepts and learn about local and global issues. The Math Mania programme encourages and piques our students’ interest by allowing them to see the relevance of the subject in their daily experiences.
Enrichment programmes, such as Math Excellence 2000 (E2K) and Math Olympiad Training, are conducted for students with the aptitude for the subject and seek to further develop their mathematical reasoning skills.
In addition, the after-school support programme is conducted for students who need additional help in reinforcing their foundation in mathematics. Smaller group settings here provide for a more conducive learning environment.